Why Plant Trees
- Filter pollution from the air
- We Have The Most Dedicated Support Team Around, Trust In Us
- Prevent soil loss
- Create shade
- Give shelter from wind and rain
- Provide homes for animals
- Make food for humans and wildlife
- Provide an interesting, soothing, learning environment for children and your community and much more!
- It costs 38 Trillion dollars to create OXYGEN for 6 months for all Human beings on earth it means if we expend all money in the world we cannot create OXYGEN for 6 months only for all Human beings on earth. “TREES DO IT FOR FREE”
- Approximately 14 billion trees needed every year for 10 consecutive years to make up the disaster we have created by cutting down trees
- In one day a human being breathes oxygen equivalent to three cylinders. Each oxygen cylinder on an average costs Rs. 800/- without subsidy.
So, in a day one person uses Oxygen worth Rs. 2,400/- and for a full year it is Rs. 8,76,000/- and, If we consider an average life span of 65 years; the costs of oxygen we use become a staggering sum of Rs. 600,00,000/- = Rs. 60 million All this oxygen is derived FREE of cost from the surrounding trees.
- Trees also release water vapour and microscopic nuclei needed for cloud formation. Clouds have a high albedo effect, reflecting the incident solar radiation back into space. Adding 20 million km of forest could create an additional 2% cloud coverage over the entire planet, countering current global warming.
The Generosity of Trees
- Trees filter our air and keep it fresh by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.
- Tree roots stabilize the soil and prevent erosion.
- Trees improve water quality by slowing and filtering rain water as well as protect aquifers and watersheds.
- Trees are carbon sinks, accumulating carbon as they grow and acting as stable carbon stores upon maturity
- Three-quarters of the world’s people rely on wood as their main source of energy.
- Thousand of things are made from trees such as furniture, books, newspapers, houses, hockey sticks, guitars, pencils, fences, milk cartons, even nail polish and toothpaste.
- Trees lower air temperature and induce rainfall by evaporating water from their leaves.
- Trees provide food, shade and shelter to humans and wildlife.
- Trees offer protection from the downward fall of rain, sleet and hail as well as reduce storm run-off and the possibility of flooding.
- Trees act as sound barriers to reduce noise pollution.
- Trees play a major role in helping to conserve the intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field.
- Trees beautify the landscape.
- Birthday Gift trees equivalent to your loved one’s age. Mark your own birth each year.
- Wedding Gift trees as blessings – Mark a union by creating a union with the planet.
- Anniversary Mark milestones by building bonds with the Earth.
- Memorial Honour the deceased, set up a sustaining gift.
- Festival Greet with trees on special occasions.
- Achivement Convey pride, celebrate milestones, honour achievement.
- Gartitude Say thank you with trees to teachers, doctors, parents and mentors.
- Get Well Soon Plant trees to help someone feel better.
Gift With Trees
What better way to honour someone or celebrate an occasion than by gifting a tree? A living and breathing gift that lives for several decades and significantly benefits the planet. An inspiration for others to do the same.
Planting a Tree: A Course of Action
EnvironmentalSunday.org is an initiative of making our mother earth lush and sustainable. In a few simple steps, you can support earth in making it greener.